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Red Clay Journal's Inaugural High School Poetry Competition


We are excited to announce our very first high school poetry competition!

First place prize is $300.00

Second place prize is $200.00

Third place price is $100.00

We are looking for your absolute best work, especially the kind with imagery, musicality, and originality. It can be free verse or it can rhyme. It can be metered or flowing. It can be on any subject; so, surprise us! We want to FEEL your words, not simply read them. The winners will be published in the print and the online journal as well as three honorable mentions will receive publication as well.

Please include within your email (to your name, high school, grade in attendance, and age. Also, include your teacher's contact information so that we may reach out to them directly. Our contest deadline is JUNE 15th 2023 at MIDNIGHT. All highschoolers are included, but poems must be the student's own original work.

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1 commentaire

Kristie Shepherd
Kristie Shepherd
23 juil. 2023

Yayyy!! Congratulations Parker Beaver!! My son I'm so VERY proud of you for winning first place!!

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