Submission Info
How to Submit

Submitting Your Work
When submitting your work, we have a few guidelines and rules.
We seek to publish everyone, but specifically would like to encourage voices that are considered marginalized or minority-based within our community. We also encourage younger voices between the ages of high school to college level grades. We are a privately funded journal and are a non-paying market: therefore, we reserve the right to publish work based on literary skill and merit and not solely on connections to Iredell County although that is a major cornerstone of the journal. If you would like to submit:
Please submit literary work in a Word Document file (docx) with no more than three pieces in your overall submission. Use a sans-serif 12 point font. You should include a title and the piece and a cover letter is optional but can be included in the body of your email. All three pieces - whether they are poetry, flash fiction or flash non-fiction - should be included in one document: if you have three poems they should all be in the same file.
Poems should be able to fit on one page. Flash-fiction or Non-fiction should be up to 1000 words total, though you may also query us for longer pieces.
Please submit art work in a .JPEG or PDF format. If submitting more than one artwork/photograph please attach them in your email as separate files up to three complete pieces.
Please self-censor. Although we believe in the First Amendment ,and do not want to infringe on anyone's rights, we will not publish gratuitous violence, sexual content, or -isms (racism, sexism or any discernable hate speech toward a minority or Othered demographic group). If you have questions about whether your content is acceptable you can preface your piece with a cover letter giving a brief synopsis of it and we can email you in reply.
All queries or submissions should be sent to within the above guidelines.
What are we looking for?
We are looking for your best poems, flash fiction and non-fiction, as well as photography and art. You can write in meter and rhyme, free-verse, or even genre bending forms. Your fiction and non-fiction can be humorous to literary, reportative or personal. We love local stories and poems. We love characters and their friends. We love imagery and surprise. Surprise us. Make us feel something between awe and realization. Send us your very best words and art.